Univ.-Prof. DI Dr. med. univ. Thomas Bernhart

Faculty Medicine
E-mail thomas.bernhart@med.sfu.ac.at
Location Vienna


After completing his doctorate at the
Medical University of Vienna in 1989, Prof.
Dr. Bernhart specialised in the field of
plastic surgery at the University of Berlin.
After completing his training as a specialist
in dentistry, oral and maxillofacial surgery,
his scientific focus was in the field of
implantology. In 1999 Prof. Dr. Bernhart
habilitated and became head of the surgical
outpatient clinic. In addition to his work as
deputy head of oral surgery, he founded the
working group for oral surgery, medicine
and radiology. His teaching activities
include both student and high-level postdoctoral training and in 2002 he held a
visiting professorship at UCLA, Los Angeles.
He has published over 100 articles in
international journals to date and is coauthor of several textbooks.
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