The Corona Protests Research Workshop is an interdisciplinary cooperation project of the University of Vienna and Sigmund Freud University with the aim of analysing the movements and protests that have arisen in connection with the measures to contain the pandemic as well as their forms of organisation.

The pandemic itself, but also the measures implemented by the political side to combat Covid-19, represent a new situation and challenge for many people as well as for society as a whole. The declaration of a pandemic causes great uncertainty and fear in many places and brings issues such as the risk of infection and job loss to the fore. Moreover, during this time, especially due to the two lockdowns, social and individual responsibility in the area of tension between health, economy and personal freedom are being negotiated both politically and in the media as well as in everyday life.

However, the political measures are not shared and supported by everyone. A part of society sees them as an unlawful restriction of the population’s scope of action, doubts the state and scientifically communicated expertise, or builds its own channels for knowledge transfer.

The research workshop addresses these issues and analyses the “politics of the street” against the political measures. Using a mixed-methods approach, the current protests, actions and networks are examined. This approach works with both quantitative and qualitative social science methods, i.e. surveys, documents, observations and interviews. In addition, as part of a sub-project funded by the City of Vienna (MA7), the protests and protesters in Vienna are studied separately.

First results

We would like to know what motivates you to participate in demonstrations or protests against the Corona measures! If you are interested in talking to us about this in an interview, or if you have any other questions about our project, please contact us at

The research workshop consists of:

  • Markus Brunner (Sozialpsychologe und Soziologe, Sigmund Freud PrivatUniversität)
  • Antje Daniel (Protestforscherin, Institut für Internationale Entwicklung, Universität Wien)
  • Florian Knasmüller (Sozialpsychologe, Sigmund Freud PrivatUniversität)
  • Felix Maile (Ökonom, Institut für Internationale Entwicklung, Universität Wien)
  • Andreas Schadauer (Soziologe, Universität Wien)
  • Verena Stern (Politikwissenschaftlerin und Soziologin, Universität Bielefeld)