The second Research Day of the Faculty of Psychotherapy Science took place at Sigmund Freud Private University Vienna on 8 April 2024. Under the lead of the Vice Dean’s Office for Research, represented by Ass.-Prof. Dr Martin Kuška, Ph.D., the event provided information on current scientific topics at faculty and university level.

The Research Day was opened by Rector Univ.-Prof. Dr Dr h.c. mult. Alfred Pritz, followed by a presentation of various research projects and topics by the research team of SFU’s Adult Outpatient Clinic Salztorgasse (Vienna) and SFU’s Research Centre.

The event offered participants the opportunity to ask questions, exchange ideas and engage in discursive discussions. The Vice Dean’s Office for Research would like to thank all participants and speakers for their participation and interest.

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Assistant Professor Dr. Martin Kuška, Ph.D.
Vice Dean for Research
Faculty of Psychotherapy Science | Sigmund Freud Private University