Winter School: Climate Change(s) Psychology
16th – 18th December 2019, SFU Vienna, Austria

3rd International Winter School at Sigmund Freud University on Human Behavior and Global Climate Change


Global climate change is inseparably linked to human behavior. The winter school at SFU Vienna addresses the psychological factors in human behavioral contributions to current and projected changes in climate as well as the psychosocial impacts of climate change.

_How do we understand the risks of climate change and what are our options for intervention?
_How do individuals and groups cope with the perceived threats of heat, extreme weather events, and permanent changes in environmental systems?

The underlying theme of the school will be the analysis of the role of psychologists in both research and clinical settings in managing the challenges posed by the environmental changes of our time.


  • What can psychologists contribute to the debate on global climate change?
  • How does climate shape cognition and mood?
  • Does climate change affect psychology as a research discipline?
  • Enjoy Christmas season in Vienna – one of the most beautiful cities in the world
  • Meet students and young researchers from all continents at Sigmund Freud University

Detailed Programme

Check out our programme and take a look at the offered lectures and workshops on “Climate Change(s) Psychology”:  Winter School Programme 2019.pdf


  • Early-stage researchers
  • PhD students
  • Motivated Master‘s students

ECTS Credits

You can earn 1 ECTS credit by attending our Winter School: in the SFU psychology study programme, this ECTS can be credited for courses in the module “Handlungskompetenzen” / “Psychologcial Action Competencies”, in combination with other acquired ECTS of the module.


To register for the Winter School 2019, please go to the registration platform: Registration Winter School 2019
SFU students and alumni: use the code CLIMATE20PSY to get a 20% discount! 

Contact & Information

Ass.-Prof. Thomas Ditye, MSc MRes PhD
Head of the International Psychology Programme

Poster_Climate Change(s) Psychology.pdf

We look forward to welcome you soon in the beautiful city of Vienna!