The Curriculum Commission for Internal Quality Assurance of ULGs with academic degrees and without academic degrees (CKQ) of the SFU is a commission of the Senate with an assessment function within the general guidelines, special assignments and authorisations issued by the Senate. The CKQ is commissioned by the Senate to examine or review applications from the respective faculties, reports to the Senate on ongoing procedures and submits the result of its review to the Senate for resolution and subsequent forwarding to the Rectorate.

The responsibilities of the CKQ include the following matters:

(1) Assessment of the curricula submitted to the Senate by the respective faculty per application after the examination for completeness and fulfilment of legal and formal requirements carried out by the QM staff unit on the basis of the quality assurance criteria.

(2) Advising the designated course directors on (internal) quality assurance measures.

(3) Recommendation regarding the admission or non-admission of the ULG on the basis of the result of the assessment and forwarding to the Senate for decision-making.

You can find the CKQ rules of procedure here (in German): CKQ Geschaeftsordnung (pdf)


Prof. Dr. Meike Watzlawik
Prof. Dr. Karin Bruckmüller
Katharina Prazuch, MA
Mag. (FH) Kerstin Schörg

Overview of internal approval processes (in German):


Further documents/guides for download (in German):

Advertising for university courses

Advertising on the homepage for new ULGs is possible before they start, but

for ULGs that lead to an academic degree, only after notification to the Ministry,
for other ULGs only after a formal review by the QM has been completed. The following addition must be noted in the application: “subject to internal approval”

In addition

the planned start semester and
a minimum number of participants.

A binding registration or acceptance is only possible after the internal approval has been fully completed and, in the case of a ULG with an academic degree, additionally after notification to the Ministry.
Prior to this, it is only possible to be included on a non-binding list of interested parties.