FWF Student Assistant Position

Job title: Research Assistant
End of the application period: 15.07.2024
Expertise: Bachelor’s in history or psychology
Employer: Faculty of Psychology, Sigmund Freud Private University
Workplace website:: https://psychologie.sfu.ac.at/de/
Workplace: Faculty of Psychology, Sigmund Freud Private University, Freudplatz 1, 1020 Wien.
Hours: 20 hours per week.
Starting date: Immediately

Job description:

An FWF-funded Student Assistant position (20 hours per week) in the field of History of Human Sciences, specifically psychology and psychotherapy. The research project will study transnational circulation of Alfred Adler’s clinical and social ideas about power and psychological development in France, United States of America, and Argentina, 1929-1967. The aim is to analyse the transformations of theories when used in different contexts and the way psychology and psychotherapy have addressed the processes of internalization of power hierarchies in society.

The requirement for this position is either having a bachelor’s degree in history, with strong interests in 20th Century History and History of Science and Humanities, or a bachelor’s degree in Psychology, with strong interests in historical approaches and theoretical discussions. In both cases, is necessary fluent use of academic German and English; Spanish and/or French language skills will also be valued. Also, the candidate will be enrolled or about to start a master’s program.

The tasks will be, first, of assistance in the recollection of primary sources in Austria and language support for the examination and interpretation of German sources; second, discussion, typification and archival organization of the documents collected; third, translation of selected sources form German to English; and fourth, assistance in the communication of partial results and writing of academic texts.

This research project offers hands-on experience in historical research and interpretative methods during their master studies; development of research strategies and communication skills to work within a network of international researchers; and experience in implementing and managing grant-funded research.

For this position we offer an annual gross salary from € 35,700 on a full-time basis.

Application Instructions:
Interested candidates should submit a CV, a cover letter highlighting research interests and relevant experience. Publications or conference presentations and contact information of references will be valued.
Candidates will send their applications to Dr. Luciano Nicolás García (luciano.garcia@mail.sfu.ac.at).