In collaboration with the FemCities Network and the City of Vienna, Sigmund Freud Private University is proud to host this year’s FemCities Conference at SFU Vienna. The conference will focus on mental health, women, and support systems by cities.

FemCities Conference 2024 | Mental Health or Mental Load?
Mental Health Care as a City Responsibility

VENUE: Sigmund Freud Private University, Freudplatz 1+3, 1020 Vienna
DATE: 26th & 27th September 2024
COSTS: free of charge

About the Conference

The FemCities Conference 2024 „Mental Health or Mental Load? Mental health care as a city responsibility” will delve into the multifaceted intersection of mental health, women, and support systems by cities, fostering crucial conversations on pressing issues faced by today’s urban environments.

The conference will spotlight the often-overlooked mental load carried by women as caregivers, exploring the intricate challenges and responsibilities they bear in both personal and professional spheres. We aim to dismantle stereotypes and foster a deeper understanding of the unique struggles faced by women, offering insights to empower and share strategies for balance.

Programme Preview

26th of September, first day of conference
The first day of the conference will include keynotes by experts on Mental Health and an opportunity to get supervision by SFU experts.

27th of September, second day of conference
The second day of the conference will feature a world cafe format, where organisations will present their programs within the area of mental health. There will also be a networking lunch.

More details on the programme will be available soon on the Conference Website.

Register NOW

Join us on 26th and 27th September 2024 to engage with thought leaders, experts, and advocates dedicated to advancing the dialogue on women’s mental health in urban settings. Together, let’s build a more compassionate and supportive future for all citizens.

If you are sure you are going to attend, you can already register (no costs) here: FemCities Conference 2024 in Vienna on Mental Health or Mental Load? (

For SFU Psychotherapy Science students, participation can be recognised as part of the “Window of Opportunity”. In addition to participating, students have to provide the assignments required by the faculty.